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It is hard to find a milling machine worth anything these days, that does not have a brushless motor in its spindle. Brushless motor technology has also revolutionized other industries, from electric cars and trains to hand power tools.
We are the only builder of vibratory stress relief equipment in North America that uses brushless motors, which we use exclusively. Why use anything else ?
Learn more on our Equipment Comparison page.

Vibratory Stress Relief Case Studies
As part of our On-Site Service package, Advanced VSR generates a comprehensive report, showing the metal workpieces that were stress relieved, how they were setup to undergo the VSR Process, the VSR Chart Data, and the overall conclusion of the project. Not all VSR Reports can be published. Often such work is considered proprietary or sensitive in nature, but for those projects that do not fall into these categories, publication can appear here. Often VSR Reports are used as primers or VSR Operator training support material. They also can act as a template for VSR Users that perform subcontract work.
These reports illustrate the best common methodology of both setup and operating procedure, and are thus designed as an outline of a vibration stress relief standard.
Of special interest is the Voith Hydro - Brazil report, which has a test that compares the effectiveness of vibratory stress relief vs. thermal stress relief.
Alloy Engineering is a customer builder of components fabricated out of alloys used in harsh environments, especially high temperature or corrosive atmospheres. A collection of ten stainless steel tubes held much tighter dimentional accuracy, as a direct result of being vibratory stress relieved by Advanced VSR.
Alloy Fabrication furnace components destined for Carpenter Technology, cone-shaped mild steel fabrications, 112" X 48" (2.8 m X 1.9 m).
Argonne National Lab VSR Report, 80+ pure titanium forgings, 12" round X 144" long, asymmetrical machining
EBCO Industries / Boeing - 8 ton, 285" long Boeing tooling
EBCO Industries - GL&V Stainless Steel Papermill Vacuum Box
Gerdau Ameristeel, 30 foot long electric arc furnace, rewelding of two lengthwise halves, VSR Processed on-site at steel plant.
Ingersoll Milling Machine has been a user of the VSR Process for many years. Their experience with this 18 meter (59.5 foot) long gantry, which they machined within + / - 0.004" straight over the full length, was one of several that convinced them that the VSR Process was the best means of stabilizing large structures.
Jasper Steel VSR Report, 3.5 ton mild steel motor-generator base, overall size 160" X 84" X 43" (4m X 2m X 1m)
MAG IAS / Fives Two groups of 8 steel plates (2 and 3 meters long) proved dimensionally unstable after thermal treatment. One group was VSR Processed, and was VERY STABLE and ACCURATE, and was installed in a machine tool sent to GE. The other group (no VSR) was remachined, and installed in a machine tool sent to Russia. This machine proved to be a true problem when it arrived on-site.
Rose Corporation, 135 ton capacity lifting yoke, mild steel, 17' X 15' X 2' (~ 5.2 X 4.6 X .6 meters) 23,600 lbs. (~ 10 metric tonnes).
Rose Corporation, 60,000 lbs. Ingot Stripper Frame for Carpenter Technology, 418" X 81" X 60" (~10.6 X 2 X 1.5 meters).
Superior Machine, 72,000 lbs. ASTM 516 Grade 70 fabricated electric arc furnace
Three D Metal Works, 25 ton clam shell halves, mild steel, 280" wide X 180" high (7.1 m X 4.6 m)
Tuftco is a manufacturer of high-quality carpet making systems, requiring accurate frame assemblies. These assemblies are made out of either heavy-wall rectangular tubing or 2" thick mild steel plate, with many workpieces in the 15 - 20 foot range. Using the VSR Process, these weldments can be machined to accuracies in the 0.003" - 0.010" range.
Voith Hydro - Brazil, VSR vs. Thermal Stress Relief Test, + several hydro-turbine components.
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